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Hardcore Punk in the 1980s: A Critical and Real Time Response to the Reagan Revolution -luento Punkmuseolla

6 marraskuun, 2024 @ 17:00 - 18:00

Hardcore Punk in the 1980s: A Critical and Real Time Response to the Reagan Revolution -luento Punkmuseolla 6.11. klo 17


Nyt ois oikein ns. Ameriikan elävä Punkmuseolla: Robert Fitzgerald olisi kertomassa kohta ilmestyvästä kirjastaan eli luennoimassa, juttelemassa ja sellaista. Koska luento on Robertin äidinkielellä, niin emme ryhtyneet kääntämään kuvaustakaan, joka on tässä siis amerikaksi:


Robert Fitzgerald will present his soon-to-be released book Hardcore Punk in the Age of Reagan: The Lyrical Lashing of an American Presidency (University of North Carolina Press, 2025).


Few politicians produced the musical reaction that Ronald Reagan did. His California-branded conservatism inspired countless young people to pick up guitars and thrash out their political angst. Punk bands across the United States took aim at the man, his presidency, and the idea of America he was selling to voters nationwide. Small yet vibrant scenes across the country emerged to challenge the communal norms and social values projected on them by the popular media and consumer culture. Punk enthusiast Robert Fitzgerald argues that these songs’ lyrics aren’t just catchy and fun to scream along with; they also reveal the thoughts and feelings of artists reacting to their political environment in real, forthright, and uncensored time.

In candid detail, Fitzgerald shows how these lyrics illustrated what young adults felt and how they reacted to one of the most influential and divisive leaders of the era. Punk lyrics are seemingly simple, the author argues, but they sketch out a complex, musically inspired countermovement that is as canonical in the American songbook as the folk and rock protest music that came before.


Luento alkaa kello 17 Punkmuseolla (Graniittitalo, Jaakonkatu 3, Helsinki) ja samalla voi tutustua Mun Punk -näyttelyyn. Sisäänpääsy on ilmainen.






Punk & Peace


6 marraskuun, 2024
17:00 - 18:00


Jaakonkatu 3
Helsinki, 00100 Suomi
+ Google Map